Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of southern sea l...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-596) and represent important at-sea areas of southern sea lions on the Southern Patagonian... -
Platform Transmitter Terminal (PTT) data on southern sea lions from the Falkl...
The dataset is a csv file and comprises of a composite of PTT data for southern sea lions tracked between 2011 and 2017 by various researchers. Note that between 2014 and 2017... -
Location data for Southern Sea Lions tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2015 ...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 4 adult male Southern Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) tracked from one location on the... -
Southern sea lion tracking 2011-14 (processed data)
This dataseries describes GPS tracking data of 31 southern sea lions tagged in the Falkland islands. The dataseries was obtained and processed as part of the Darwin Plus- funded... -
Locations of pinniped breeding colonies in the Falkland Islands
The dataset contains all the availble information about location and counts (as number of pups born at the colony) for Southern sea lions, South American fur seal and elephant... -
List of all seabird and pinniped tracking datasets in the Falkland Islands EE...
The file is a list containing the details of all identified tracking datasets for seabirds and pinnipeds using the Falkland Islands' EZZ. The datasets were found using a range... -
Southern sea lion genetic data
Genetic data for southern sea lions: 22 microsatellites loci y mitochondrial control region. -
Isotopes from Southern Sea Lion pups from breeding colonies around the Falkla...
The dataset is a collection of stable isotope ratios for southern sea lion pup vibrissae collected from breeding colonies around the Falkland Islands. The paper Baylis et al.... -
Morphometrics, sex and deployment details of seals (South American Fur Seals ...
The data series describes data such as sex and morphometric measurements of 15 South American Fur Seal and 4 Southern Sea Lion tracked for the SAERI GAP project. Data have been... -
Stable isotopes from southern sea lion adults and juveniles
The dataset comprises of stable isotope values of whisker carbon (13C) and nitrogen (15N) taken from southern sea lion adults and juveniles in the Falkland Islands from 2011 to...