Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of king penguins ...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-590) and represent important at-sea areas of king penguins on the Southern Patagonian shelf.... -
Platform Transmitter Terminal (PTT) and (GLS) data on king penguins from the ...
The dataset is a csv file and comprises of a composite of PTT and GLS data for king penguins tracked between 1996 and 2015 by various researchers -
Penguin ticks sampling locations in the Falkland Islands, 2014.
The data sets contain geographic coordinates (points) of the locations where ticks from king, gentoo and magellanic penguins were collected. All locations are in the Falkland... -
Falkland Islands Seabird Monitoring Programme (FISMP)
The data series consists mainly of field counts, and some photo (drone and go-pro camera) counts, which were used to derive annual estimates of breeding pairs and breeding... -
Distribution of juvenile King Penguins from Volunteer Beach
The dataset comprises PTT-tracks of 10 juvenile King Penguins fledged at Volunteer Beach in November 2008 -
Distribution of King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach during the guard-stage
The dataset comprises GLS-tracks of 12 King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach obtained during the guard stage in February 2001 -
Winter distribution of King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach
The dataset comprises GLS-tracks of 10 King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach obtained during winter (n=5) and spring (n=5) 1996