Spatial patterns and bryozoan biodiversity from subantarctic Falkland and Sou...
The data set comprises of records and analyses of depth, geographic coordinates and bryozoan species at sampling stations in subantarctic Falkland islands (from 1990, 1995, 2000... -
Terrestrial invertebrate and plant biogeography in the Falklands, 2017
The dataset is a collection of specific beetles, flies, freshwater Crustacea and plants at several locations in East Falklands (February 2017). The collections will be included... -
Diatom Flora Falkland Islands
Locations of where water has been sampled to collect diatoms. The project aims to provide an overview of the diversity and distribution of freshwater diatoms in the Falkland... -
Taxonomic and phytogeographical study of the Falkland Islands Teloschistaceae...
The dataset comprises of the location where specimens of the lichen family Teloschistaceae have been collected for taxonomic and phytogeographical studies. Data on general... -
Biodiversity and biomass data from intertidal quadrats collected from Hookers...
The dataset comprises of intertidal biodiversity and biomass data derived from the photoquadrats collected quarterly over the year from winter 2017 to spring 2018 at Hookers... -
Biodiversity and biomass data derived from a series of quadrats collected fro...
The dataset comprises of shallow benthic biodiversity and biomass data obtained from the analysis of quadrats collected quarterly from 3 permanent transects around Kindney... -
Biodiversity and biomass data from intertidal spatial quadrats collected from...
The dataset comprises of intertidal biodiversity and biomass data derived from the photoquadrats collected from "one-off" surveys carried out from July 2017 to April 2018 at...