Spiders of the endemic Genus Falklandoglenes 2017/18
The dataset is an excel file with geographic coordinates of the locations where Spider (Araneae) species have been collected. All the locations are on Steeple Jason Island and... -
Abundance and distribution of Striated Caracara in the Falkland Islands 2013...
The dataseries comprises of two years of survey of striated caracara across the Falkland Islands. Surveys were carried out by boat and on foot in order to count breeding pair of... -
Distribution and Abundance of the Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura falklandica i...
The file records data on the distribution and Abundance of the Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura falklandica in the Falkland Islands in 2006-2007. The research was sponsored by... -
Falkland Islands plant dataset for assessing the status of Nassauvia falkland...
2011-2013 MBZ- (Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund) funded project - assessing the status of Nassauvia falklandica. Surveying new potentially suitable areas for the...