Falkland Islands plant dataset for identification of Important Plant Areas 20...
Falkland Islands Plants Conservation Project. OTEP-funded project between 2007 and 2009. The focus was on native plants and identifying Important Plant Areas (IPAs) and... -
Falkland Islands Island-wide Census Southern Rockhopper Penguin
The data series consists mainly of field counts, photographs and transect/area density methods were used to derive and island-wide estimate of breeding pairs of Southern... -
Falkland Islands Seabird Monitoring Programme (FISMP)
The data series consists mainly of field counts, and some photo (drone and go-pro camera) counts, which were used to derive annual estimates of breeding pairs and breeding... -
Falkland Islands with percentage of tussac
Systematic records for tussac cover and tussac quality for all vegetated islands and tied islands are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity... -
FIBDv8 20140601 plants
Records of native and non-native plant species are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for all islands in the Falkland Islands... -
FIBDv8 20140601 mammals
Records of native mammal species (southern elephant seal, southern sea lion and South America fur seal) breeding on each island are extracted from the database (known as the... -
FIBDv8 20140601 birds
The records of bird species for each island are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for all islands in the Falkland Islands (with... -
Stanley harbour birds surveys 2013
A dataset of birds and seals counted along coastal transects between Rookery bay and Port William including Cape Pembroke and Stanley harbour. Data were collected in winter and... -
Falkland Islands cetacean stranding database
A database of records of historic strandings of cetacean species in the Falkland Islands from 1866 to present has been compiled and maintained by the FIG Environmental Planning... -
Groundtruthing points for the Falkland Islands subtidal habitat map
The dataset comprises of gps, csv and video data on seabed species and habitat types collected as ground validation points for side scan sonar images derived around Cochon,... -
Collection of shallow benthic marine invertebrates of the Falkland Islands (...
The dataset is an excel file with the location of samples of different species of shallow benthic marine invertebrates, collected in the Falkland Islands in November 2019. These... -
2014 Pilot Survey Cetacean Sightings
The dataset is a report describing how a line transect pilot survey for cetacean sightings has been designed and carried out in the Falkland Islands inshore waters in 2014. The... -
Falkland Islands Sponges 2019
The dataset is an excel file with location data on specimens of sponges collected by Claire Goodwin and Shallow Marine Surveys Group divers at various locations in the water... -
Collection and Inventory of the sea anemones of the Falkland Islands
The dataset is an excel file with records of the locationand preservation method of specimens comprising of 9 species of known sea anemones and 38 specimens of unknown sea... -
Seaweed species occurrences in the Falkland Islands 2018-2019
The dataset is an ecxcel file and comprises of records of seaweed species collected at 40 intertidal sites (each site represented by single point coordinates) during Darwin... -
Intertidal quadrat photos of seaweeds in the Falkland Islands 2018-2019
The dataset is an archive of quadrat photos on intertidal seaweeds taken at 17 intertidal sites (each site represented by single point coordinates) between Jan-Feb 2018 and Jan... -
DNA sequences from seaweeds collected in the Falkland Islands 2018-2019
The dataset is a csv file summarising the results from DNA sequencing analyses. Single marker (COI, psbA, rbcL, tufA) DNA sequences (<1 kb) were obtained from seaweed... -
Sei whale aerial effort data, Berkeley Sound, 2017
Shapefile of transect effort for six aerial whale surveys in Berkeley Sound (and adjacent waters) during 2017 -
Cetacean sightings from aerial surveys in Berkeley Sound, 2017
Shapefile of cetacean sighting positions during aerial surveys in Berkeley Sound (and adjacent waters) during 2017 -
Sei whale boat survey effort, Berkeley Sound, 2017
Shapefile of search and encounter effort during 26 sei whale boat surveys in Berkeley Sound (and adjacent waters) during 2017