Sooty shearwater GPS tracks, Kidney Island, January, 2017
GPS locations of breeding sooty shearwaters tracked whilst foraging from Kidney Island during late incubation and early chick rearing in Janary, 2017 -
Winter dispersal of Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Saunders Island
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 5 Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Saunders Island during winter 2000 -
Winter dispersal of Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Sea Lion Island
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 12 Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Sea Lion Island during winter 1999-2000 -
Winter dispersal of Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Seal Bay
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 28 Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Seal Bay during winter 1998-2000 -
Distribution of Southern Rockhopper Penguins from Bird Island during the pre-...
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 3 Rockhopper Penguins breeding at Bird Island during the pre-moult period -
Distribution of Southern Rockhopper Penguin males from Seal Bay and Mount Low...
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 10 male Southern Rockhopper Penguins breeding at Seal Bay (n=9) and Mount Low (n=1) during the incubation periods 1998-2000 -
Dispersal of Southern Rockhopper Penguin males from Rookery Valley, Berkeley ...
The dataset comprises the GLS-tracks of 10 male Rockhopper Penguins breeding at Rookery Valley, Berkeley Sound, during the incubation period -
Distribution of Gentoo Penguins from Kidney Cove during winter
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 2 Gentoo Penguins from Kidney Cove during winter 2000 -
Distribution of Magellanic Penguins breeding at Seal Bay
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 7 Magellanic Penguins breeding at Seal Bay during the breeding season 1998/99 -
Distribution of Magellanic Penguins breeding at Seal Bay during winter
The dataset comprises the PTT-tracks of 10 Magellanic Penguins breeding at Seal Bay during winter 1998 -
Distribution of juvenile King Penguins from Volunteer Beach
The dataset comprises PTT-tracks of 10 juvenile King Penguins fledged at Volunteer Beach in November 2008 -
Distribution of King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach during the guard-stage
The dataset comprises GLS-tracks of 12 King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach obtained during the guard stage in February 2001 -
Winter distribution of King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach
The dataset comprises GLS-tracks of 10 King Penguins breeding at Volunteer Beach obtained during winter (n=5) and spring (n=5) 1996 -
Location data for Magellanic penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 47 adult and 6 fledgling Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) tracked from four... -
Location data for Rockhopper penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 24 adult Rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome; 20 males, 4 females) tracked from two... -
Location data for Gentoo penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014-201...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 30 adult Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) tracked from five different locations around... -
At-sea seabird and marine mammal sightings from South Georgia wide area inclu...
The dataseries was provided by the South Georgia and South Sandwhich Islands Governemnt for the purpose of the Darwin Plus- funded project 'Marine Spatial Planning for the... -
Morphometrics, sex and deployment details of penguins (gentoo, magellanic and...
The data series describes data such as sex, weight and morphometric measurements of 30 gentoo, 117 magellanic and 185 rockhopper penguins tracked for the SAERI GAP project. Data... -
Tagging rockhopper penguins in New Island
Examination of sex differences in the foraging behaviour of southern rockhopper penguins during the incubation period, using GPS and timeedepth data, stable isotope analysis and... -
Falkland Islands Fisheries observer database
The observer database contains position and biological data from vessels which either carry Falklands flag, or have got the licence of fishing in the Falklands' waters or are...