Benthic baseline sites of survey of the sediments around the exploration Well...
Coordinates and depths of individual grab sample locations for baseline sediment survey -
Benthic infaunal baseline survey data (february) of the sediments around the ...
Collected in 0.1m2 grab sample. Sieved in field through 500m sieve. Washed samples fixed in 10% formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. Two samples with greatest volume at each... -
Distribution of main commercial species of fish in offshore Falkland Islands ...
The dataset reports the migration of main commercial species across the year in the offshore Falkland Islands waters. Data were collected by quantifying the catch of FI licensed... -
Chart number 2512-0 Falkland Islands
This product has been derived in part from material obtained from the UK Hydrographic Office with the permission of the UK Hydrographic Office, Her Majesty Stationery Office and... -
Gebco bathymetry contour line from 30 arc second grid
Bathymetry contour line derived from Gebco global 30 arc-second grid updated in 2008. Isobaths are 100 metres apart. Data are restricted to the Falkland Islands. -
Falkland Islands Ramsar Sites
Boundaries of two Ramsar sites in the Falkland Islands