Comprehensive geomorphological map of the glacial and periglacial features of East Falklands
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | December 21, 2020, 10:04 (PST) |
Created | January 30, 2020, 05:21 (PST) |
Region | Falkland Islands |
Language | eng |
Topic Category | geoscientific information |
Temporal Extent Start | 2014-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 2014-12-31 |
Dataset Reference Date | 2014 |
Lineage | Geomorphological mapping was achieved by onscreen digitising directly into Google Earth using the high resolution of imagery available. Landforms were mapped by digitising polygons around the outline of these features, which were determined by the presence of quartzite boulders. Features were mapped as kml file polygons and then transferred into ArcMap, overlying a mosaicked GDEM image of the Falklands. The .kml polygon files were then converted into .shp files. Locations that were accessible and showed interesting landform relationships were ground-truthed in the field. |
West Longitude | 249597.32 |
South Latitude | 4259016.07 |
East Longitude | 444471.36 |
North Latitude | 4301743.35 |
Spatial Reference System | UTM 21S WGS84 |
Responsible Organisation Name | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Contact Mail Address | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Responsible Party Role | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Access Limitations | Restricted, send data request to data owner |
Use Constraints | Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply |
Resource Reference | Cite data source as: Oliver Sikora, The Glacial and Periglacial landscape evolution of the Falkland Islands. Geography MSci, University of Durham, England, UK |
Data Format | shape |
Update Frequency | not planned |
Accuracy | Data were digitised using Google Earth as background image and ground thruthed with several points. |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Original Title | Hidden (internal use only) |
Metadata Date | 2015-11-22 |
Metadata Point of Contact | |
Contact Consent | Contact details hidden |
Unique Resource ID | FK-UNIDUR-239 |
Dataset extent
Map Data by OpenStreetMap