Cruise Visitors in the Falklands from 2012 to 2017
Data and Resources
This dataset has no data
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | December 14, 2020, 09:55 (PST) |
Created | January 30, 2020, 05:24 (PST) |
Region | Falkland Islands |
Language | eng |
Topic Category | Society; and culture |
Temporal Extent Start | 2012-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 2017-12-31 |
Dataset Reference Date | 2017 |
Lineage | The table structure of the original dataset was modified in order to facilitate the import of the data into a GIS tool (QGIS) and map the data. The processed dataset was saved as csv file and, once in QGIS, as shape file. |
West Longitude | 186152.19 |
South Latitude | 4132654.5 |
East Longitude | 453856.69 |
North Latitude | 4342431 |
Spatial Reference System | UTM 21S WGS84 |
Responsible Organisation Name | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Contact Mail Address | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Responsible Party Role | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Access Limitations | Restricted, data commercially sensitive |
Use Constraints | Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply |
Resource Reference | Please acknowledge data source as: Falkland Islands Tourist Board and the Natural Capital Assessment project (SAERI -JNCC). |
Data Format | csv, excel, shape |
Update Frequency | annually |
Accuracy | High |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Original Title | Hidden (internal use only) |
Metadata Date | 2018-04-10 |
Metadata Point of Contact | |
Contact Consent | Contact details hidden |
Unique Resource ID | FK-FITB-458 |
Dataset extent
Map Data by OpenStreetMap