DPLUS071 JR18003 Cruise Burdwood Bank MultiBeam TOPAS2018

TOPAS was used opportunistically in support of the MMA project at Burdwood Bank. Sub-bottom profile data gives information on the seabed immediately beneath the seafloor. Bathymetric profile of sections of the Burdwood Bank were collected on board of the vessel RRS James Clark Ross in December 2018. On behalf of the Falkland Islands Government, the South Atlantic Environment Research Institute (SAERI), together with British Antarctic Survey (BAS), successfully competed for Darwin Plus funding (projej number DPLUS071) to begin investigations relating to marine resources, habitat structure and community composition, to better inform management decisions principally regarding marine spatial planning. A detailed report on the collection and processing of the data with an evaluation of data quality and surveying methods is presented in Appendix A1.1 of the 'JR18003 Cruise Report'

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 19, 2021, 15:20 (PDT)
Created May 19, 2021, 15:20 (PDT)
Region Falkland Islands
Language eng
Topic Category Elevation; height above or below sea level
Temporal Extent Start 2018-12-04
Temporal Extent End 2018-12-05
Dataset Reference Date 2018
Lineage " Profile data were collected in using the hullmounted Kongsberg Marine TOPAS (PS018) sub-bottom profiler. The TOPAS equipment was operated using Kongsberg TOPAS 1.7 software. The trigger was managed by K-SYNC. Dataset include 25 .raw files collected in stations 001, 002, 003 and 004. More information on how the instrument was operated are summarised in the user’s guide ‘TOPAS.docx’ available on request from UK PDC.A detailed report on the collection and processing of the data with an evaluation of data quality and surveying methods is presented in Appendix A1.1 of the 'JR18003 Cruise Report' by BAS"
West Longitude -55.06837
South Latitude -57.77152
East Longitude -54.96658
North Latitude -57.19741
Spatial Reference System WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Restricted until publication
Use Constraints Restricted
Data Format .raw .seg
Update Frequency one off
Accuracy GPS accuracy
Resource Type Dataset
Original Title Hidden (internal use only)
Metadata Date 2019-09-30
Metadata Point of Contact datamanager@saeri.ac.fk
Contact Consent Contact details hidden

Dataset extent

Map Data by OpenStreetMap