Falkland Islands aerial photography survey 1956

The data series refers to the aerial photographic survey carried out in 1956 and which was joined commissioned by the UK government and Falkland Islands Government. There are two sets of photos one kept in mineral dep and in the Agricultural dep.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated December 14, 2020, 09:51 (PST)
Created January 30, 2020, 05:19 (PST)
Region Falkland Islands
Language eng
Topic Category imagery base maps earth cover
Temporal Extent Start 1956-01-01
Temporal Extent End 1956-12-31
Dataset Reference Date 1956
Lineage The aerial photos are in black and white and all have been scanned and stored according to the flight line. An excel file is provided with the dataset as it helps matching the line flights with the Ordnance survey sheets. The The full dataseries is not georeferenced.
West Longitude -61.4548
South Latitude -52.9257
East Longitude -57.6865
North Latitude -50.9992
Spatial Reference System WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Restricted, send data request to data owner
Use Constraints Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply
Resource Reference Cite data source as: Copyright Falkland Islands Government and Hunting Aerosurveys
Data Format tiff
Update Frequency not planned
Accuracy Unknown
Resource Type Dataset
Metadata Date 2014-07-22
Metadata Point of Contact datamanager@saeri.ac.fk
Contact Consent Contact details hidden
Unique Resource ID FK-FIG-82

Dataset extent

Map Data by OpenStreetMap