Falkland Islands land ownerships 2016

The layer depicts Falkland Islands land ownerships as it was registered in June 2016. the attribute table associated to the layer provides information on land/islands names and landowners' names.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated December 21, 2020, 10:05 (PST)
Created January 30, 2020, 05:22 (PST)
Region Falkland Islands
Language eng
Topic Category Boundaries; legal land descriptions
Temporal Extent Start 2016-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2016-12-31
Dataset Reference Date 2016
Lineage Initially data were collected by PWD with an accuracy of less than a metre and in sapper hill coordinate system. Then the file has been kept up-to-date regularly by the farm mapping officer. The file has an accuracy less than 7m. Land ownership is also checked and provided by the farm mapping officer, whereas the name of the islands and the names of the owners has been checked and provided by Sally Poncet (last update end of may 2016). Notice that a series of islands are grouped as NA as the names of the islands have been given in the past using the OS map as reference. The attribution of these names had an unknown source hence these islands were all grouped as NA.
West Longitude 186152.19
South Latitude 4132654.5
East Longitude 453856.69
North Latitude 4342431
Spatial Reference System UTM 21S WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Open access
Use Constraints Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply
Resource Reference Please acknowledge data source as: Falkland Islands Government – Department of Agriculture Environment and planning department and SAERI
Data Format shape
Update Frequency as needed
Accuracy approximately 7 metres
Resource Type Dataset
Original Title Hidden (internal use only)
Metadata Date 2016-08-01
Metadata Point of Contact datamanager@saeri.ac.fk
Contact Consent Contact details hidden
Unique Resource ID FK-FIG-282

Dataset extent

Map Data by OpenStreetMap