Known spatial distributon of calafate (Berberis microphylla) in the Falkland Islands since 2000
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | December 21, 2020, 10:10 (PST) |
Created | January 30, 2020, 05:26 (PST) |
Region | Falkland Islands |
Language | eng |
Topic Category | Farming; animals or plants |
Temporal Extent Start | 2000-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 2019-12-31 |
Dataset Reference Date | 2019 |
Lineage | The point shape file is the result of a large tidy up of the reference excel file (FK-FIG-581). The main processing of the data involved having consistency in the date format and recorder names. Additionally, some fields added by Sally Poncet (notes on their collection) were not brought forward as specific only to few records, leaving the majority of the records with an empty value. GPS locations of 2018 and 2019 Calafate survey led by the department of agriculture. The excel file FK-FIG-581 reported a number of locations that were not mapped correctly due to mistakes in the lat/long coordinates. Due to the lack of original GPS points, it was impossible to correct these locations and it has been decided to exclude these points from the dataset. Hence, there is a difference in terms of calafate records between FK-FIG-581 and this spatial dataset. |
West Longitude | -61.19614 |
South Latitude | -52.11213 |
East Longitude | -57.75717 |
North Latitude | -51.292332 |
Spatial Reference System | WGS84 |
Responsible Organisation Name | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Contact Mail Address | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Responsible Party Role | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Access Limitations | Restricted, send data request to data owner |
Use Constraints | Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply |
Resource Reference | Please acknowledge data source as: Falkland Islands Governement Department of Agriculture, Island Land Care, Kew – Royal Botanic Garden and SAERI |
Data Format | csv, shape |
Update Frequency | as needed |
Accuracy | gps accuracy between 5 and 10 metres |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Original Title | Hidden (internal use only) |
Metadata Date | 2019-12-02 |
Metadata Point of Contact | |
Contact Consent | Contact details hidden |
Unique Resource ID | FK-FIG-582 |
Dataset extent
Map Data by OpenStreetMap