Land System Analysis soil map
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | December 21, 2020, 10:04 (PST) |
Created | January 30, 2020, 05:21 (PST) |
Region | Falkland Islands |
Language | eng |
Topic Category | geoscientific information |
Temporal Extent Start | 1967-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 1968-12-31 |
Dataset Reference Date | 1968 |
Lineage | The soil map was digitised by using the farm boundary layer as reference dataset. The LSA had a projection issue as well as there was no mention of the projection/datum used originally by the author of the report, as it wasn't printed on the map. The warping technique was adopted to make them best-fit the farm boundaries layer.The attribute table describes onlyn the code of the soil map and the associated descriptive text. Furthedetails on the soil classification can be acquired from the report "R.B.King, D.M. Lang and A.Blair Rains, 1969, Land SystemAnalysis of the Falkland Islands, with notes on the soil and grassland. Land Resources Division Directorate of Overseas Surveys. Tolworth Surrey, England, UK". |
West Longitude | 200481.02 |
South Latitude | 4187005.62 |
East Longitude | 450398.8 |
North Latitude | 4340277.11 |
Spatial Reference System | UTM 21S WGS84 |
Responsible Organisation Name | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Contact Mail Address | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Responsible Party Role | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Access Limitations | Restricted, send data request to data custodian |
Use Constraints | Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply |
Resource Reference | Cite data source as: R.B.King, D.M. Lang and A.Blair Rains, 1969, Land SystemAnalysis of the Falkland Islands, with notes on the soil and grassland. Land Resources Division Directorate of Overseas Surveys. Tolworth Surrey, England, UK |
Data Format | shape |
Update Frequency | not planned |
Accuracy | unknown but the map was drawn in GIS by georeferencing the original locations from the report |
Resource Type | Dataset |
Original Title | Hidden (internal use only) |
Metadata Date | 2015-11-19 |
Metadata Point of Contact | |
Contact Consent | Contact details hidden |
Unique Resource ID | FK-UKFIT-238 |
Dataset extent
Map Data by OpenStreetMap