Monthly rainfall data (mm) from met stations across the Falklands Islands
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Field | Value |
Last Updated | December 21, 2020, 10:00 (PST) |
Created | January 30, 2020, 05:20 (PST) |
Region | Falkland Islands |
Language | eng |
Topic Category | climatology-meteorology-atmosphere |
Temporal Extent Start | 1945-01-01 |
Temporal Extent End | 1987-12-31 |
Dataset Reference Date | 2009 |
Lineage | Almost 3100 records of monthly rainfall have been gathered from a series of met stations located at the main farm settlements across the Falklands. The reading of the values was responsibility of the land owners. Thre is continuity in the dataseries from 1945 until late 1980s. Then only some stations provide rainfall data until 2009. Data are scarcer from 1990 onwards. |
West Longitude | -61.4548 |
South Latitude | -52.9257 |
East Longitude | -57.6865 |
North Latitude | -50.9992 |
Spatial Reference System | WGS84 |
Responsible Organisation Name | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Contact Mail Address | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Responsible Party Role | Hidden (personal data protection) |
Access Limitations | Open access |
Use Constraints | Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply |
Resource Reference | Please acknowledge data source as: the Falkland Islands Government - Department of Agriculture, UK Falkland Islands Trust and South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute for data processing. |
Data Format | excel |
Update Frequency | unknown |
Accuracy | location of the farm settlements is taken using Google Earth and the point is generally centred in the middle of the settlement. Unknown accuracy as far as the measurement of rainfall is concerned. |
Resource Type | Dataseries |
Original Title | Hidden (internal use only) |
Metadata Date | 2015-07-15 |
Metadata Point of Contact | |
Contact Consent | Contact details hidden |
Unique Resource ID | FK-UKFIT-203 |
Dataset extent
Map Data by OpenStreetMap