Recreational value of coastal areas in the Falkland Islands

The dataset (polygon shape file) describes the coastal areas assessed by local inhabitants of the Falkland Islands in terms of cultural values (recreational, sense of place, historical, natural beauty). The values are based on interviews with 50 people who were asked to draw on a map which areas of the coast were important to them for recreational use. This dataset should be used in conjunction to the other three datasets depicting the cultural values of the coastline of the Falkland Islands.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated December 21, 2020, 10:05 (PST)
Created January 30, 2020, 05:21 (PST)
Region Falkland Islands
Language eng
Topic Category Society; and culture
Temporal Extent Start 2016-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2016-12-31
Dataset Reference Date 2016
Lineage A 1km buffer area was created from the coastline of the Falkands. Fifty people were interviewed and were asked to draw on a map which areas of the coast were important for recreational use. The buffer was split accordingly the answers and each area was scored from 1 to 3. The dataset shows the final recreational value of the coastal area obtained by adding all the maps from the interviewees. Overlapping areas (multiple maps from interviewees) show the total of all the values of each overlapping buffer.
West Longitude 198824.34
South Latitude 4185292.75
East Longitude 452655.41
North Latitude 4329280.5
Spatial Reference System UTM 21S WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Restricted until publication
Use Constraints Open, but copyright and/or Intellectual Property Rights apply
Resource Reference Please acknowledge data source as: SAERI Marine Spatial Planning. A Darwin PLUS Initiative project funded by the UK government
Data Format shape
Update Frequency not planned
Accuracy Approximately 50m
Resource Type Dataset
Original Title Hidden (internal use only)
Metadata Date 2016-11-08
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact Consent Contact details hidden
Unique Resource ID FK-SAERI-271

Dataset extent

Map Data by OpenStreetMap