World view2 satellite images for eastern coast of the Falkland Islands

The dataset comprises of 14 images for Berkeley Sound, 8 images for Adventure Sound and a further 3 for Choiseul taken at various months from 2011 to 2012. The images were used in addition to earth observation techniques to generate coastal habitat maps in the region of 200 metres from the shore.

Data and Resources

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated December 14, 2020, 09:53 (PST)
Created January 30, 2020, 05:21 (PST)
Region Falkland Islands
Language eng
Topic Category imagery base maps earth cover
Temporal Extent Start 2011-01-01
Temporal Extent End 2012-12-31
Dataset Reference Date 2012
Lineage Worldview2 provides a high resolution panchromatic band and eight multispectral bands. The purpose of acquiring the high resolution images was to perform a coastal habitat classification (terrestrial and marine) of the eastern coastline of the Falklands. The entire coastline was divided into three areas and images were acquired in different months: for Berkley sound on 11/11/2011 and 09/01/2012; for Adventure ssound on 27/9/2011; 22/10/2011; 09/01/2012; 24/07/2012; 06/10/2012; for Choiseul sound on 9/01/2012 and 24/7/2012. These acquisition dates were chosen with a view to using them for both a terrestrial and marine based classification. As a result of the duel-purpose nature of the imagery, the extent of cloud cover, any hillshade (from the sun angle at acquisition) and wave action became important factors in selecting the preferred dataset to work with. An image with no cloud cover but with high wave action could not be selected as the marine classification would be impeded. Similarly, an image captured on a calm day with no wave action but cloud over the land could also not be used as the terrestrial classification would be affected. There were a few areas were no perfect image could be sourced, and so a compromise was found. The satellite images were processed to account for satellite noise, the topography of the landscape and atmospheric interference. For the marine classification, further processing was required to reduce the effects of water surface reflection and the decay of light through the water column.
West Longitude 355514.3
South Latitude 4207881.83
East Longitude 451459.72
North Latitude 4304963.2
Spatial Reference System UTM 21S WGS84
Responsible Organisation Name Hidden (personal data protection)
Contact Mail Address Hidden (personal data protection)
Responsible Party Role Hidden (personal data protection)
Access Limitations Restricted, licence apply
Use Constraints Restricted, but open subject to limitations and prior agreement with responsible organisation. Copyright must be cited
Resource Reference Cite raw data source as: Copyright [YEAR] DigitalGlobe, Inc. Please acknowledge processed data source as: Environment Systems
Data Format dat
Update Frequency not planned
Accuracy The geolocation vertical accuracy is estimated to be 5 metres and it is valid for all images collected with a satellite of-nadire angle less than 30 degrees.
Resource Type Dataseries
Original Title Hidden (internal use only)
Metadata Date 2015-11-02
Metadata Point of Contact
Contact Consent Contact details hidden
Unique Resource ID FK-ENVSYS-236

Dataset extent

Map Data by OpenStreetMap