Plant available water holding capacity of soils
Brief on managing the soil water deficit, through soil water budgets. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Use of Gibberellic Acid on Pastures in the Falkland Islands
Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Agriculture booklet summary
Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Map of Saladero
Boundary Map of government managed farm 'Saladero'. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Fishery Dynamics and variability of Illex argentinus recruitment in the South...
R Scripts and Model objects using oceanographic data and Illex argentinus catch data. Contact datamanager@saeri.ac.fk for more information. -
Fishery Dynamics and variability of Illex argentinus recruitment in the South...
Fisheries Data of Illex argentinus obtained from the Falkland Islands Fisheries Department as catch, effort, date/time and position (fishing grid square) -
Fishery Dynamics and variability of Illex argentinus recruitment in the South...
Oceanographic data 2000 to 2022 of the Patagonian Shelf: Sea Surface Temperature, Zooplankton/Micronekton abundance, Sea Surface Height and Velocity ==> As NetCDF files; as... -
Microplastics in East Falklands winter 2015
The dataset reports figures on the number of microplastic particles (mostly fibres) per litre of seawater collected in and around the coasts of Eastern Falklands. The data were... -
Stanley Conservation Area UAV Orthomosaic Imagery
A UAV survey was conducted April 2023 to capture a snapshot of the area for the Planning Department of the Falkland Islands Government. The imagery is incomplete due to... -
Falkland Islands New Port Facility: Shag Rock Scuttling Site Benthic Baseline...
Data collected includes Multibeam bathymetry, biological station positions, biological data, camera images. Purpose was for an EIA for scuttling of FIPASS barges at Shag Rocks,... -
Appendix 10 Map of the Falkland Islands
Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Estancia Weather Data
This dataset contains weather data collected by an automated weather station at Estancia, Falkland Islands. Weather recording began in May 2022. Updated August 2023. -
UAV RGB and Thermal Orthomosaics, 3D Model, Point Cloud of Stanley Water Tanks
A test flight to create a 3D model of Stanley water tanks using a DJI Matrice 350RTK with H20T camera. RGB imagery taken with the wide-angle camera as proof of concept. Files... -
UK Hydrographic Office Overseas Mapping Programme of areas around the Falklan...
UK Hydrographic Office Overseas Mapping Programme of areas around the Falkland Islands. Contains MBES and Macroalgal mapping data, contour and texture surfaces of the sea bed. -
Stanley Harbour UAV FIMA Mooring Survey
Orthomosaic imagery of Stanley Harbour for the Falkland Islands Maritime Authority. Flight undertaken with a DJI Phantom 4 - Multispectral. Includes RGB, Red, Green, Blue, NIR,... -
Darwin Falklands Vegetation and Biodiversity Survey - VABS_complete
Darwin Plus Vegetation and Biodiversity data collected as part of the 'Recognise, protect, restore: driving sound stewardship of Falklands peat wetlands' project. The data... -
Areas used for at sea military excercises around the Falkland Islands
the dataset shows the area used by the Royal Navy for different types of naval excercises exclusively at sea (dangerous and non-dangerous) in waters near the Falkland Islands.... -
Aquatic Species Distribution Data
The aquatic species distribution maps have been derived from the database created in the UN Species Identification and Data Programme and was spatially limited by the project... -
DPLUS083 Soil Classes
This soil class dataset was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and online database as climate change mitigation tools’, which was funded by the Darwin... -
Falkland Islands Natural Nature Reserves
Boundaries of National Nature Reserves (NNRs) in the Falkland Islands. In the Falkland Islands, National Nature Reserves (NNRs) are currently the only way of legally designating...