Ship tracks of multibeam bathymetric surveys archived at NOAA NCEI
Dataset(s) comprise ship tracks of multibeam batjymetric surveys archived at NOAA NCEI. The tracks are available as WMS service with additional data for each survey available... -
The Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS)
The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) is the marine component of the Copernicus Programme of the European Union. It provides free,... -
Longhurst Biogeographical Provinces
The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst (1995; 1998; 2006). The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical... -
Synthesized diet studies for the Patagonian Shelf, with a focus on the Falkla...
Published data on animal diets (stomach analyses; frequency of occurrence (FO%), dominance index of prey (N%)) from various species and trophic levels have been synthesized. -
GAP Project Reports
A collection of the GAP Project Reports -
Falkland Islands Dried Ponds Shapefile 2022
Areas of wetland that have experienced drying during the period between 01/01/2014-29/03/2021 -
The genus Eunotia (Bacillariophyta) in the Falkland Islands
Documentation of the morphology of 15 species of Eunotia from freshwater habitats in the Falkland Islands using light and electron microscopy, and description of four new... -
A Taxonomic and ecological study of diatoms from freshwater habitats in the F...
The diatom flora of the Falkland Islands was investigated by sampling twenty-eight representative lake, pond and stream habitats. Diatom assemblages were moderately diverse and... -
A limnological reconnaissance of the Falkland Islands; with particular refere...
Forty-eight freshwater bodies on the Falkland Islands, including 33 lakes and pools, and 12 rivers and streams, were sampled for freshwater invertebrates. This study yielded 129... -
Land-ocean carbon fluxes in the Falkland Islands and Tierra del Fuego
This data set consists of 33 samples taken at five different broad areas across the Falkland Islands. Samples were taken at varying times of day and tested for 59 different... -
UAV surveys - kelp forests - August 2019
Surveys on kelp forests. UAV flights over Tussac Islands (Top, Bottom and Kelly rocks). The result of this survey is available at... -
DPLUS083 Peat Depth and Peatland Extent
This data set contains two layers: one for peat depth and one for peatland extent ( peat / no peat). They were generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and... -
Port Stanley bathymetry data
The dataset is a raster file showing the bathymetry of the entrance of Stanely harbour (FIPASS). -
Jason Islands Proposed Marine Nature Reserve
The dataset (a polygon feature) shows the Jason Islands proposed Marine Nature Reserve. The boundary has been drawn following the public consultation on the Assessment of... -
Collection of nearshore fishes from the Falkland Islands in 2020
This dataset is a csv file with locality data for 143 specimens representing ~7 nearshore fish species collected by Elyse Parker (Yale University, Yale Peabody Museum of Natural... -
Burrowing petrels Hummock - partial survey
Plots on the Island of Hummock to count burrow entrances of burrowing petrels plus habitat characteristics. -
Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Falkland Islands
Filtering seawater using Whatmann glass filter papers and dissecting mussels and limpets to investigate levels of microplastics in Falklands waters and marine life. -
Breeding behaviour and conservation of Charadrius falklandicus and Charadrius...
Collection of data related to the reproductive behavior of two species of shorebirds (Charadrius falklandicus and Charadrius modestus). These data consist of identifying of... -
Falkland Plateau sediment drifts
Geophysical experiment on the Falkland Plateau. Data collected: multichannel seismic reflection data, multibeam data, sediment echosounding data -
Plant Wax Calibration
Plant wax data from plants and surface lake sediments for purposes of producing a stable-isotope plant-wax calibration site