Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)
The dataset comprise Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) inside of the project AOI. The EBSAs are special areas in the ocean that serve important... -
Global Distribution of Seamounts and Knolls
The dataset comprises two point layers showing the global distribution of seamounts and knolls identified using global bathymetric data at 30 arc-sec resolution. -
Seabed morphology worldwide
This data series was indicated as of potential use for marine spatial planning during a workshop part of the Darwin Plus- funded project 'Marine Spatial Planning for the... -
Marine habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Shallow water marine habitat of three sites of East Falkland. The habitat map covers areas at sea with a maximum of 20 metres depth. The habitat map was derived by using World... -
Falkland Islands marine habitat zones
The dataset represents six habitat zones which were defined on the eastern Patagonian Shelf and Slope in the Falkland Conservation and Management Fishery Zones. The habitat are... -
Falkland Islands Conservation Zones
Falkland Islands Conservation Zones defined for fisheries activities. Two zones were identified and classified as inner (FICZ) and outer (FOCZ) conservation zones. They are...