Location data for Southern Sea Lions tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2015 ...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 4 adult male Southern Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens) tracked from one location on the... -
Location data for South American Fur Seals tracked from the Falkland Islands,...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 11 South American Fur Seals (Arctocephalus australis; 4 adult males, 9 adult females, 2... -
Southern elephant seal tracking Sea Lion Island 2009-2011
The dataset describes the tracks of 24 adult female Southern elephant seals from 2009 to 2011, tagged at Sea Lion island (Falkland Islands) by researchers of the Elephant Seal... -
South American fur seal tracking Bird Island 2000
The dataset shows the location of 10 adult females around the Falklands from January to march 2000. The females were tagged in Bird Island. This dataset was obtained as part of... -
Locations of pinniped breeding colonies in the Falkland Islands
The dataset contains all the availble information about location and counts (as number of pups born at the colony) for Southern sea lions, South American fur seal and elephant... -
Kelp qualitative density map in east Falklands
The file describes the distribution of Kelp derived from analysing satellite images from World View 2. The areas analysed correspond to the three sites assessed by Premier Oil... -
Gentoo penguins gain loss
The file describes the size of gentoo penguins colonies in terms of increase/decrease of the population size. Data were derived from the absolute values of count of penguins... -
Benthic infaunal baseline survey data (october) of the sediments around the e...
Collected in 0.1m2 grab sample. Sieved in field through 500m sieve. Washed samples fixed in 10% formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. Two samples with greatest volume at each...