Falkland Islands White chinned petrels and Southern Giant Petrels
The data set is a complete census of all colonies of southern giant-petrels within the Falkland Islands in 2004/05 and 2015/16 along with the census of all known colonies of... -
Spiders of the endemic Genus Falklandoglenes 2017/18
The dataset is an excel file with geographic coordinates of the locations where Spider (Araneae) species have been collected. All the locations are on Steeple Jason Island and... -
Coastal birds survey Sea Lion island group and Beauchene island 2009
The dataset records the types of coastal habitats and number of coastal birds identified and counted by two surveyors who walked shoreline trasects of 1km length and, in one... -
Coastal birds survey Berkeley sound 2009
The dataset records the types of coastal habitats and number of coastal birds identified and counted by two surveyors who walked shoreline trasects in Berkeley sound (southern... -
Coastal birds survey Jason Islands 2008
The dataset records the types of coastal habitats and number of coastal birds identified and counted by two surveyors who walked shoreline trasects on Steeple Jason, Grand... -
Island wide aerial photographic survey of breeding Black-browed Albatross at ...
The dataset is a compilation of aerial photography collected to estimate the breeding population of Black-browed Albatross of 12 breeding sites in the Falkland Islands. The... -
Coastal birds survey Adventure sound 2009
The dataset records the types of coastal habitats and number of coastal birds identified and counted by two surveyors who walked shoreline trasects in Adventure sound (southern...