Total Sheep between 1983-2023
Contains total annual sheep data annual – 1983-2023. Includes breakdown for East Falklands, West Falklands and the Islands. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Total Cull Stats
Information about the specific research projects or initiatives related to the data Contains cull data 2013-2023, data is divided into east and west. Includes: FIMCo, Culls,... -
Farm statistics birth, death & stocking
Contains a file of annual farm statistics ranging from 1983 – 2023. Data is not comprehensive for all farm at all years. Data is not standardised. Includes, birth rate, death... -
Animal disease and biosecurity within the Falkland Islands
This report contains information on farm statistics, disease surveillance, disease control and biosecurity of the Falkland Islands. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Fire call outs FIGFS
Camp fire or reports of campfire data ranging from 1975 to 2023, includes permit information. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Economic valuation of Falkland Islands livestock (sheep and beef meat) and wo...
The dataset comprises of three excel files with data on the economic value of the Falkland Islands livestock (sheep and beef meat) and wool provided by farm. Additionally, the... -
Agricultural Statistics Book 2017
The dataset is an excel file with data on stocking rates (sheep, cattle, pigs), wool clipped, sheep and cattle marked, animal moved from farm to farm and sent to the abattoir...