FIBDv8 20140601 locations
Records containing the names, surface area, elevation and geographical co-ordinates of all islands (with the exception of islands in freshwater bodies) in the Falkland Islands... -
Technical report WC/99/10 The geology of the Falkland Islands
Report of the geology of the Falkland Islands by British Geological Survey. Available from NORA at http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/507542/ -
FIBDv8 20140601 grazing
Records for grazing by livestock is extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for all islands in the Falkland Islands (with the exception... -
Falkland Islands with percentage of tussac
Systematic records for tussac cover and tussac quality for all vegetated islands and tied islands are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity... -
FIBDv8 20140601 plants
Records of native and non-native plant species are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for all islands in the Falkland Islands... -
FIBDv8 20140601 invasives
Records of the presence of non-native mammal, plant and bird species for each island are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for... -
FIBDv8 20140601 mammals
Records of native mammal species (southern elephant seal, southern sea lion and South America fur seal) breeding on each island are extracted from the database (known as the... -
FIBDv8 20140601 birds
The records of bird species for each island are extracted from the database (known as the Falkland Islands Biodiversity Database) for all islands in the Falkland Islands (with... -
Falkland Islands cetacean stranding database
A database of records of historic strandings of cetacean species in the Falkland Islands from 1866 to present has been compiled and maintained by the FIG Environmental Planning... -
Geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Doryteuthis gahimantles
The dataset is a TPS (text) file with a list of geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Doryteuthis gahimantles taken from images of the body of the squid and extracted... -
Geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Loligo forbesii
The dataset is a TPS (text) file with a list of geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Loligo forbesii taken from images of the body of the squid and extracted using... -
Geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Loligo reynaudii
The dataset is a TPS (text) file with a list of geometric morphometric landmark coordinates of Loligo reynaudii taken from images of the body of the squid and extracted using... -
Morphometric analysis of body shape of Doryteuthis gahimantles
The dataset is a csv file containing records of data on morphometric analysis of body shape of Doryteuthis gahimantles statoliths. The data should be linked to the TSP fle... -
Morphometric analysis of body shape of Loligo forbesii and Loligo reynaudii
The dataset is a csv file containing records of data on morphometric analysis of body shape of both Loligo forbesii and Loligo reynaudii. The data should be linked to the TSP... -
Biological (sex/maturity), morphometric and position data of statoliths
The dataset is a csv file comprising of biological (sex/maturity), morphometric and position data that links to images of the right statolith of each individual squid... -
Trace element concentrations of statoliths
The dataset is a csv file containing trace element concentrations at different locations (identifed by Ablation No) within a Doryteuthis gahi statolith (identified by statolith... -
Selected biological data and ID information of statoliths
The dataset is a csv file with data on age and sample information (Vessel and FIFD station information) of squid. These dataset should be linked to the trace element dataset... -
FIGAS flight dates and number of days spent by passengers at each visited sit...
The dataset is an excel file that comprises of sevaral spreadsheets in which the number of each PassengerType, number of nights stayed, number of visits, average number of... -
FIGAS flights and passengers movement in season 2017
The dataset is an excel file containing all FIGAS (Falkland Islands Government Air Service) flights in their original form (FK-FIGAS-455) and also disaggregated by the following... -
FIGAS flights and passengers in 2017
The dataset is an excel file which contains records on flights booked and taken from Jan to Dec 2017. The file includes data such as: Booking Id, Client ID, Date, Flight start...