GLS tracking data on sooty shearwaters from the Falkland Islands
The dataset is a csv file and comprises of a composite of GLS data for sooty shearwaters tracked between 2007 and 2009 -
The use of camera traps to monitor burrowing petrels, January 2018
The dataset is a series of videos taken in Janary 2018 from 15 camera traps deployed on Bird Island and Kidney Island to monitor the activity of burrowing petrels on both... -
Sooty shearwater tissue samples, Kidney Island, January, 2017
In Janary, 2017, tissues samples (whole blood, feathers, regurgitates and faeces) were collected from sooty shearwaters breeding on Kidney Island. -
Sooty shearwater breeding survey, Kidney Island, January, 2017
In January 2017, a survey was undertaken to estimate the number of breeding sooty shearwaters on Kidney Island, the distribution of their burrows and their breeding habitat... -
Sooty shearwater gelocator and time-depth data, Kidney Island in January, 201...
Geolocators (GLS) and time-depth recorders (TDRs) are being used to track sooty shearwaters from Kidney Island between January, 2017 and January, 2018 -
Sooty shearwater GPS tracks, Kidney Island, January, 2017
GPS locations of breeding sooty shearwaters tracked whilst foraging from Kidney Island during late incubation and early chick rearing in Janary, 2017