Areas used for at sea military excercises around the Falkland Islands
the dataset shows the area used by the Royal Navy for different types of naval excercises exclusively at sea (dangerous and non-dangerous) in waters near the Falkland Islands.... -
Chloro a concentration seasonal averages 2002 to 2013 for the southern South ...
This dataseries is composed of rasters of seasonal averages of cholorophyl a concentration (in mg.m-3) for approx. 4km pixel for the South Atlantic area (including Falkland... -
Coastal kelp beds around the Falkland Islands
This dataset maps the location and extent of kelp beds in the coastal waters of the Falkland Islands at an average resolution of 3 metres. -
Whale Sighting Distribution (1990-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Isl...
The dataset provides a density of baleen whale observations around the Falkland Islands' territorial waters (22km from shore) in the post-whaling era (1990s-2015). The summed... -
FIGAS Cetacean Sightings (1993-2003)
It is a GIS database of cetacean observations within the Falkland Islands' Exclusive Economic Zone, gathered from pre-existing citizen science records obtained from the Falkland... -
Cetacean observation from the 2014 Pilot Survey Cetacean Sightings
This dataset is a point shapefile of cetacean observations in a sample of areas around the Falkland Islands' inshore waters from a pilot study by Falklands Conservation... -
Southern elephant seal tracking Sea Lion Island 2009-2011
The dataset describes the tracks of 24 adult female Southern elephant seals from 2009 to 2011, tagged at Sea Lion island (Falkland Islands) by researchers of the Elephant Seal... -
South American fur seal tracking Bird Island 2000
The dataset shows the location of 10 adult females around the Falklands from January to march 2000. The females were tagged in Bird Island. This dataset was obtained as part of... -
Locations of pinniped breeding colonies in the Falkland Islands
The dataset contains all the availble information about location and counts (as number of pups born at the colony) for Southern sea lions, South American fur seal and elephant... -
Dolphin gulls colonies near New Island 2011
The dataset describes the distribution of Dolphin gulls (Leucophaeus scoresbii) in New Island (Falkland Islands). This dataset was obtained as part of the Darwin Plus- funded... -
Ceatacean watch data 2004-2006
This dataset was obtained as part of the Darwin Plus- funded project 'Marine Spatial Planning for the Falkland Islands' (July 2014-July 2016). The data comes from a project...