Mapping and identifying soil samples in New Island, Falkland Islands
The dataset (point shape file) show distribution of soil types in New Island. The soil types were derived from the analysis of soil physical characteristics (texture, colour,... -
Land System Analysis soil map
Digitised soil map from the original paper copy attached to the report by R.B.King, D.M. Lang and A.Blair Rains, 1969 -
Interpreted soil map of the Falkland Islands
The current soil map of the Falkland Islands is an interpretation by Rodney Burton, soil surveyor since 1970, based on the solid and superficial geological map that the British... -
Soil pit locations 1967-1968
Distribution of soil pits in the Falkland Islands. The pits were dug in the framework of the Land System Analysis of the Falkland Islands, a survey carried out from November... -
Soil samples across the Falkland Islands from 2012 to 2014
The dataseries comprises of soil samples taken in various farms across the Falkland Islands from 2012 to 2014. Data are collected in the framework of the farm improvement...