Whale Sighting Distribution (1990-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Isl...
The dataset provides a density of baleen whale observations around the Falkland Islands' territorial waters (22km from shore) in the post-whaling era (1990s-2015). The summed... -
FIGAS Cetacean Sightings (1993-2003)
It is a GIS database of cetacean observations within the Falkland Islands' Exclusive Economic Zone, gathered from pre-existing citizen science records obtained from the Falkland... -
List of Falklands Whale Sighting Data Sources
Compiled list of sources and contact information for 'All_Inshore_Whale_Sightings_1940-2015.shp,' a GIS database of whale sightings used in 'Return of the Whales in the Falkland... -
Cetacean observation from the 2014 Pilot Survey Cetacean Sightings
This dataset is a point shapefile of cetacean observations in a sample of areas around the Falkland Islands' inshore waters from a pilot study by Falklands Conservation... -
Whale Sightings (1940-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Islands from lo...
The dataset comprises whale observations in Falkland Islands inshore (22km from shore) waters. Data have been based on local knowledge gathered from interviewing local Falkland... -
Whale Sightings (1940-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Islands
The dataset comprises whale observations in Falkland Islands inshore (22km from shore) waters. Data have been gathered from pre-existing catch, survey and opportunistic sighting... -
Database of historical information (newspaper articles, letters, reports etc)...
This library was produced as part of the Darwin Plus- funded project, 'Marine Spatial Planning for the Falkland Islands' (July 2014-July 2016), and the Falkland Islands...