Microplastics in East Falklands winter 2015
The dataset reports figures on the number of microplastic particles (mostly fibres) per litre of seawater collected in and around the coasts of Eastern Falklands. The data were... -
Economic valuation of Falkland Islands livestock (sheep and beef meat) and wo...
The dataset comprises of three excel files with data on the economic value of the Falkland Islands livestock (sheep and beef meat) and wool provided by farm. Additionally, the... -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land and boat (Feb-March2016)
Land and boat-based coastal bird survey covering the inner part of Berkeley Sound (west of Strike Off Point, southern shore) and Volunteer Lagoon (northern shore). The coastline... -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land and boat (July 2017)
Land and boat-based coastal bird survey covering the inner part of Berkeley Sound (west of Strike Off Point, southern shore) and Volunteer Lagoon (northern shore). The coastline... -
Terrestrial habitat classification of coastal areas in Berkely Sound Falklan...
Terrestrial coastal area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, have been classified using Earth observation and field observations techniques. Satellite imagery were dated... -
Wells Premier Oil Ltd
Locations of appraisal wells recorded as point features. The wells were drilled by Shells and Rockhopper Companies between 2011 and 2012 -
Falkland Islands extent of Sea Lion hydrocarbon field
Sealion hydrocarbon field as it is in Novembre 2013. They were recorded as polygons. Only the area (square km) is provided