A broad-scale satellite-derived landcover classification habitat map for the ...
The dataset is a raster file describing the habitat classification of the Falkland Islands and surrounding waters based principally on Sentinel 2 data acquired at various times... -
Berkeley Sound intertidal survey feb 2016
The dataset is an excel file that contains a baseline information on intertidal species and type of substrate within six survey areas in Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands. The... -
Terrestrial habitat classification of coastal areas in Berkely Sound Falklan...
Terrestrial coastal area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, have been classified using Earth observation and field observations techniques. Satellite imagery were dated... -
Fitzroy farm native seed pilot restoration trial plant cover data 2013 - 2015
The dataseries is a collection of data on plant cover, temperture, soil moisture and soil surface windspeed from Fitzroy farm native seed pilot restoration trial plant cover and... -
Diving sites in Berkeley Sound February 2016
Twenty eight sites in subtidal and sublittoral areas where surveyed in Berkeley Sound in February 2016. Divers from the Shallow Marine Surveys Group gathered data, such as... -
Marine habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Shallow water marine habitat of three sites of East Falkland. The habitat map covers areas at sea with a maximum of 20 metres depth. The habitat map was derived by using World... -
Terrestrial habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Terrestrial coastal habitat of three sites located in East Falkland. The coastal habitat map covers an area of 200 metres inland from the shore. The habitat map was derived by... -
New Island botanical survey
The survey aimed at providing baseline information on the current status of the vascular plants and the communities they form on New Island. The survey was conducted in 2010... -
Falkland Islands marine habitat zones
The dataset represents six habitat zones which were defined on the eastern Patagonian Shelf and Slope in the Falkland Conservation and Management Fishery Zones. The habitat are... -
Stanley harbour birds surveys 2013
A dataset of birds and seals counted along coastal transects between Rookery bay and Port William including Cape Pembroke and Stanley harbour. Data were collected in winter and... -
Coastal Habitat Mapping drone surveys of the Falkland Islands 2018 and 2019
A compilation of aerial imagery datasets, collected using a DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone at elevations ranging from 30m Above Ground Level (AGL) to 100m AGL. They were collected by... -
Falkland Islands broad scale habitat map ground truth points
The dataset is a point shape file which includes more than 9000 control points used as ground truthing points for realising the broad scale habitat map of the Falkland Islands... -
Using umnanned aerial vehicles for environmental monitoring and research at S...
The dataset is a collection of high resolution images and videos taken from drones at Sea Lion Island, starting in 2016. Semi-professional UAVs were used for 1) assessment of... -
DNA sequencing of microorganisms collected on habitat restoration trial plots...
The dataset comprises of 8699324 DNA sequences (divided by phyla, class, order, family and genus) of microorganisms analysed from soil samples collected in the Falkland Islands.... -
Intertidal and marine classification of Berkely Sound Falkland Islands, May 2016
Intertidal and marine area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, classified using Earth observation and intertidal/marine field observations -
Inshore Fisheries database
The database collects environmental and biological data on potential commercial species found in the inshore marine environment of the Falkland Islands (within the 3 nautical... -
Distribution of shallow marine species and inshore habitats. SMSG Marine Reco...
The data collected by the Shallow Marine Survey Group comes from dives conducted from 2006 to present in the Falkland Islands shallow inshore waters. A fee to data request for...