Movebank for animal tracking data
Movebank is an online platform that helps Movebank partners with government agencies, universities and conservation organizations and is intended to serve as a global archive... -
Seabird tracking database (2022)
Seabird tracking database comprises tracking data for albatroses, petrels and penguins provided by seabird researchers from around the world. The data are organized in datasets.... -
Seabed morphology worldwide (Walvis Ridge AOI)
The shape files representing abyss, basins, bridges, canyons, escarpments, fans, glacial troughs, guyots, hadal, plateaux, ridges, rift valleys, rises, seamounts, shelf, slope,... -
SEAFO convention area
The dataset comprises a polygon and polyline layers representing area designed under the Convention on the Conservation and Management of Fishery Resources in the South East... -
Ship tracks of single-beam bathymetric surveys archived at NOAA NCEI
Dataset(s) comprise bathymetry data derived from NCEI Marine Trackline Geophysics database collected during marine cruises from 1939 to the present. The tracks are available as... -
Ship tracks of multibeam bathymetric surveys archived at NOAA NCEI
Dataset(s) comprise ship tracks of multibeam batjymetric surveys archived at NOAA NCEI. The tracks are available as WMS service with additional data for each survey available... -
The Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS)
The Copernicus Marine Service (or Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service) is the marine component of the Copernicus Programme of the European Union. It provides free,... -
Longhurst Biogeographical Provinces
The dataset represents the division of the world oceans into provinces as defined by Longhurst (1995; 1998; 2006). The division has been based on the prevailing role of physical... -
Synthesized diet studies for the Patagonian Shelf, with a focus on the Falkla...
Published data on animal diets (stomach analyses; frequency of occurrence (FO%), dominance index of prey (N%)) from various species and trophic levels have been synthesized. -
GAP Project Reports
A collection of the GAP Project Reports -
Falkland Islands Dried Ponds Shapefile 2022
Areas of wetland that have experienced drying during the period between 01/01/2014-29/03/2021 -
DPLUS083 Peat Depth and Peatland Extent
This data set contains two layers: one for peat depth and one for peatland extent ( peat / no peat). They were generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and... -
Jason Islands Proposed Marine Nature Reserve
The dataset (a polygon feature) shows the Jason Islands proposed Marine Nature Reserve. The boundary has been drawn following the public consultation on the Assessment of... -
Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Falkland Islands
Filtering seawater using Whatmann glass filter papers and dissecting mussels and limpets to investigate levels of microplastics in Falklands waters and marine life. -
Bird Island Proposed Marine Nature Reserve
The dataset (a polygon feature) describes the Bird Island proposed Marine Nature Reserve. The boundary has been drawn in the context of the Assessment of Fishing Closure Areas... -
Seabed morphology for the Falklands region of the Patagonian Shelf (derived f...
The raster dataset comprises of morphological derived variables from global bathymetry dataset (GEBCO 2014). Slope, Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) at fine and broad moving... -
Overlap between marine predators and proposed Marine Managed Areas on the Pat...
Tracking data used in the Baylis et al. 2021 Ecological Applications paper -
DPLUS083 Erosion Extent
This dataset for erosion extent was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and online database as climate change mitigation tools’, which was funded by the... -
DPLUS083 Chemical and Physical Soil Properties
"This data series contains 13 layers in relation to chemcial and physical soil properties of the top 20 cm of soil. It was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil... -
DPLUS071 JR18002 Cruise Burdwood Bank MultiBeam TOPAS 2020
TOPAS was used opportunistically in support of the MMA project at Burdwood Bank. Sub-bottom profile data gives information on the seabed immediately beneath the seafloor....