Sei whale encounter effort from boat surveys in Berkeley Sound, 2017
Shapefile showing the tracks of sei whales followed during encounters recorded from boat surveys in Berkeley Sound (and adjacent waters) during 2017 -
Sei whale faecal sample data, Berkeley Sound, 2017
Excel spreadsheet containing the sighting reference number, date, time, position, species and description of whale faecal events observed during boat survey work in Berkeley... -
Sei whale biopsy sample data, Berkeley Sound, 2017
Excel spreadsheet containing the sighting reference number, date, time, position, arbalester and sample numbers (if acquired) for all biopsy attempts on sei whales in Berkeley... -
Sei whale photo-identification data, Berkeley Sound, 2017
Excel spreadsheet containing the sighting reference number, date, and number of images taken for all sei whale photo-identification encounters in Berkeley Sound during 2017.... -
Shore-based survey effort for whales, Cape Pembroke, 2017
Excel file containing information on shore-based watches carried out for whales at Cape Pembroke during 2017, including date, start and end time, watch duration, effort status... -
Cetacean sightings recorded during shore-based surveys, Cape Pembroke, 2017
Shapefile containing the positions of cetacean sightings recorded during Cape Pembroke shore watches during 2017. -
Sei whale cue count data recorded in Berkeley Sound-Cape Pembroke, 2017
Excel file with cue count and inter-breath interval (IBI) data from sei whale focal follows -
An yearly-updated high-resolution aerial composite image of Sea Lion Island
We are using drones to obtain high-resolution overlapped images of the whole surface of Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands. Images are processed in Agisoft Photoscan to produce a... -
Monitoring of ringed two-banded plovers at Sea Lion Island
The dataset includes georeferenced records of resights of two-banded plover (Charadrius falklandicus) that were marked at Sea Lion Island (Falkland Islands), using plastic and... -
Distance sampling data of South American grey fox (Lycalopex griseus) collect...
The dataset contains measurements from a distance sampling survey of South American grey fox (Lycalopex griseus), conducted in January 2019 on Weddell Island in The Falkland... -
Fecal sampling data of South American grey fox (Lycalopex griseus) collected ...
Faecal pellets of South American grey fox (Lycalopex griseus) were collected mainly in coastal habitats throughout Weddell Island in the Falkland Islands. In the field spatial... -
Map of kelp probability distribution around the Falkland Islands derived from...
The dataset is a raster file derived from Sentinel-2 series of imagery showing the probability of kelp (various species) distribution around the Falkland Islands -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from boat (October 2018)
Boat-based coastal bird survey within Berkeley Sound. The coastline was surveyed in 300 m sections. -
Cetacean photo-id (original) from DOKE Focal Survey Genetic Nov 2016-Aug 2018
Data inlude 66,536 raw photos of 6 species of cetaceans collected from a vessel during the DOKE Focal survey carried carried out in Nov-Dec 2016, Jan 2017, Jun-Jul 2017,... -
Commerson's and Peale's dolphins photo-id (matched) from DOKE Focal Survey Ge...
Data include photos of 2 species of Commerson's and Peale's dolphins from 349 sightings collected from a boat during the DOKE Focal survey/Genetic carried out in Nov-Dec 2016,... -
Cetacean photo-id (original) from DOKE Enterprise survey - Jan 2017
Data inlude 1534 raw photos of 8 species of cetaceans collected aboard the vessel 'HMS Enterprise' during a round-trip survey from the Falkland Islands to South Georgia carried... -
C-PODs data from DOKE
Data include recording of Commerson's dolphin from 3 C-PODs (# 2019, 2020 and 2088) that were deployed from the 16/04/2017 to the 17/06/2018 in the locality of Many Branch... -
Cetacean photo-id (original) from DOKE Condor survey - Feb 2017
Data inlude 1,909 raw photos of 4 species of cetaceans collected aboard the vessel 'Condor' during a survey carried out off West Falkland from the 21/02/2017 to 01/03/2017.... -
DOKE Distance project plan for the aerial survey
The aerial survey was planned using the free software Distance (distancesampling.org). The survey includes a total of 217 transects spaced between 5 and 6 km and generally... -
Biogeographic Atlas of the Sothern Ocean
The pdf file is an Atlas of marine species distributions around the Southern Ocean (all taxa), including chapters on biogrographic processes of the Southern Ocean.