Annual soil data of the Falklands
The data set contains 8 years of soil chemical testing 2012-2020, Includes a number of different chemicals across, east, west and the islands. Data held within the Department of... -
Soil Test Submissions
This data combines 13 separate farms for testing. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Plant available water holding capacity of soils
Brief on managing the soil water deficit, through soil water budgets. Data held within the Department of Agriculture -
Darwin Falklands Vegetation and Biodiversity Survey - VABS_complete
Darwin Plus Vegetation and Biodiversity data collected as part of the 'Recognise, protect, restore: driving sound stewardship of Falklands peat wetlands' project. The data... -
DPLUS083 Soil Classes
This soil class dataset was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and online database as climate change mitigation tools’, which was funded by the Darwin... -
DPLUS083 Erosion Risk
This dataset for erosion risk was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and online database as climate change mitigation tools’, which was funded by the... -
DPLUS083 Peat Depth and Peatland Extent
This data set contains two layers: one for peat depth and one for peatland extent ( peat / no peat). They were generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and... -
DPLUS083 Erosion Extent
This dataset for erosion extent was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil map and online database as climate change mitigation tools’, which was funded by the... -
DPLUS083 Chemical and Physical Soil Properties
"This data series contains 13 layers in relation to chemcial and physical soil properties of the top 20 cm of soil. It was generated as part of the Darwin Plus 083 project ‘Soil... -
Peat coring data Falkland Islands, 2018
The dataset is an excel file with geographic coordinates of the locations where peat cores have been taken. The file contains as well information on peat depth. Cores were... -
Investigating Fungal Dynamics of the Falkland Islands
The dataset is a record of locations at which soil samples have been collected. The samples come from Albemarle farm in West Falkland and Saunders Island. Samples have been... -
Mapping and identifying soil samples in New Island, Falkland Islands
The dataset (point shape file) show distribution of soil types in New Island. The soil types were derived from the analysis of soil physical characteristics (texture, colour,... -
Land System Analysis soil map
Digitised soil map from the original paper copy attached to the report by R.B.King, D.M. Lang and A.Blair Rains, 1969 -
Interpreted soil map of the Falkland Islands
The current soil map of the Falkland Islands is an interpretation by Rodney Burton, soil surveyor since 1970, based on the solid and superficial geological map that the British... -
Soil pit locations 1967-1968
Distribution of soil pits in the Falkland Islands. The pits were dug in the framework of the Land System Analysis of the Falkland Islands, a survey carried out from November... -
Soil samples across the Falkland Islands from 2012 to 2014
The dataseries comprises of soil samples taken in various farms across the Falkland Islands from 2012 to 2014. Data are collected in the framework of the farm improvement... -
DNA sequencing of microorganisms collected on habitat restoration trial plots...
The dataset comprises of 8699324 DNA sequences (divided by phyla, class, order, family and genus) of microorganisms analysed from soil samples collected in the Falkland Islands.... -
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using Tussac peat in the Falkland Islands
The dataset describes the location of the sites where tussac peat was cored for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in February 2016.Locations include Surf Bay, Bleaker Island,... -
Characteristics of soil and tussac grass plants in tussac areas
The dataset is an excel file that describes the characteristics of soils and tussac grass plants across rotationally-grazed, ungrazed, and overgrazed tussac areas. Data were...