Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land (October 2018)
Land-based coastal bird survey between Strike Off Point and Lamarche Point, and Volunteer Lagoon. The coastline was surveyed in 300 m sections. -
Berkeley Sound intertidal survey feb 2016
The dataset is an excel file that contains a baseline information on intertidal species and type of substrate within six survey areas in Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands. The... -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land and boat (Feb-March2016)
Land and boat-based coastal bird survey covering the inner part of Berkeley Sound (west of Strike Off Point, southern shore) and Volunteer Lagoon (northern shore). The coastline... -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land and boat (July 2017)
Land and boat-based coastal bird survey covering the inner part of Berkeley Sound (west of Strike Off Point, southern shore) and Volunteer Lagoon (northern shore). The coastline... -
Terrestrial habitat classification of coastal areas in Berkely Sound Falklan...
Terrestrial coastal area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, have been classified using Earth observation and field observations techniques. Satellite imagery were dated... -
Diving sites in Berkeley Sound February 2016
Twenty eight sites in subtidal and sublittoral areas where surveyed in Berkeley Sound in February 2016. Divers from the Shallow Marine Surveys Group gathered data, such as... -
Berkeley sound elevation data from DGPS
The dataset is a list of points (id, lat, long, height) taken at 6 sites in Berkeley sound (Diamond Cove, Magellan Cove, near Green Patch, Long Island, Strike off point and... -
Marine habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Shallow water marine habitat of three sites of East Falkland. The habitat map covers areas at sea with a maximum of 20 metres depth. The habitat map was derived by using World... -
Terrestrial habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Terrestrial coastal habitat of three sites located in East Falkland. The coastal habitat map covers an area of 200 metres inland from the shore. The habitat map was derived by... -
Falkland Islands kelp distribution from Landsat 8
Distribution of kelp around the Falkland Islands. Kelp include all species that can be found in the Falkalnds as from Landsat 8 images (2008 East Falklands, 2014 West Falklands)... -
Falkland Islands coastal shoreline ESI
The dataset represents the northern and eastern shorelines of the Falkland Islands classified according to the Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI) classification system. The... -
Wells Premier Oil Ltd
Locations of appraisal wells recorded as point features. The wells were drilled by Shells and Rockhopper Companies between 2011 and 2012 -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from boat (October 2018)
Boat-based coastal bird survey within Berkeley Sound. The coastline was surveyed in 300 m sections. -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land (February 2016)
Land-based coastal bird survey from Long Island beach to Strike Off Point. The coastline was surveyed in 100 m sections. -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from boat (March 2016)
Boat-based coastal bird survey within Berkeley Sound. The coastline was surveyed in 300 m sections. -
Intertidal and marine classification of Berkely Sound Falkland Islands, May 2016
Intertidal and marine area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, classified using Earth observation and intertidal/marine field observations -
Selection of clearest acoustic data of resident and transitory marine mammals...
The dataset comprises of the most clear wideband acoustic data from resident and transitory marine mammal populations recorded at 230km north of the Falkland Islands with 2... -
Acoustic monitoring station premierWGS84
Locations of current meter and where acoustic monitoring marine mammals devices were deployed between 2011 and 2012. Locations are recorded as points.