Tracking data on black-browed albatrosses using geolocators GPS and geolocato...
The dataset comprises of the tracks of black-browed albatrosses derived from 31 GPS and 18 GLS devices deployed (and retrieved in the case of GLS) on adults in december 2015 at... -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from land (February 2016)
Land-based coastal bird survey from Long Island beach to Strike Off Point. The coastline was surveyed in 100 m sections. -
Berkeley Sound coastal bird survey from boat (March 2016)
Boat-based coastal bird survey within Berkeley Sound. The coastline was surveyed in 300 m sections. -
Long term seismographic data from Mt Kent station in the Falkland Islands
Data recorded by the Global Seismographic Network seismic station on Mt. Kent are distributed to the international research community without cost and without restriction by... -
Stanley airport weather statistics from Falkland Islands Government Air Servi...
The data comprises of a series of excel files with weather data collected by Stanley airport officers every hour and when the airport is in operation. Weather data are about... -
Southern sea lion genetic data
Genetic data for southern sea lions: 22 microsatellites loci y mitochondrial control region. -
Intertidal and marine classification of Berkely Sound Falkland Islands, May 2016
Intertidal and marine area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, classified using Earth observation and intertidal/marine field observations -
Location of three anodes on pipelines in Mare Harbour Falkland Islands
Point shape file depicting the location (in degrees of latitude and longitude) of the anodes was derived from analysing the mosaic of the side scan sonar images taken in April 2016 -
Isotopes from Southern Sea Lion pups from breeding colonies around the Falkla...
The dataset is a collection of stable isotope ratios for southern sea lion pup vibrissae collected from breeding colonies around the Falkland Islands. The paper Baylis et al.... -
Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using Tussac peat in the Falkland Islands
The dataset describes the location of the sites where tussac peat was cored for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in February 2016.Locations include Surf Bay, Bleaker Island,... -
Characteristics of soil and tussac grass plants in tussac areas
The dataset is an excel file that describes the characteristics of soils and tussac grass plants across rotationally-grazed, ungrazed, and overgrazed tussac areas. Data were... -
Dataset of Bryophyte and Lichen of the Falkland Islands
The dataset comprises of records from Bryophyte and Lichen surveys collected as part of the Darwin Initiative Lower Plants and Lichens project 2014 - 2016. The dataset also... -
Whale Sightings (1940-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Islands from lo...
The dataset comprises whale observations in Falkland Islands inshore (22km from shore) waters. Data have been based on local knowledge gathered from interviewing local Falkland... -
Whale Sightings (1940-2015) in inshore waters of the Falkland Islands
The dataset comprises whale observations in Falkland Islands inshore (22km from shore) waters. Data have been gathered from pre-existing catch, survey and opportunistic sighting... -
Database of historical information (newspaper articles, letters, reports etc)...
This library was produced as part of the Darwin Plus- funded project, 'Marine Spatial Planning for the Falkland Islands' (July 2014-July 2016), and the Falkland Islands... -
Location data for Magellanic penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 47 adult and 6 fledgling Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) tracked from four... -
Location data for Rockhopper penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 24 adult Rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome; 20 males, 4 females) tracked from two... -
Location data for Gentoo penguins tracked from the Falkland Islands, 2014-201...
The data series comprises the location data derived from the Argos satellite system for 30 adult Gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) tracked from five different locations around... -
Falkland Islands seaweed DNA barcode list
The dataset is a list of seaweed DNA barcodes ( ) extracted from samples collected around the Falkland Islands from January to December 2013. Data have been submitted at the... -
Selection of clearest acoustic data of resident and transitory marine mammals...
The dataset comprises of the most clear wideband acoustic data from resident and transitory marine mammal populations recorded at 230km north of the Falkland Islands with 2...