Digital Globe Satellite imagery of Sea Lion Island (Falkland Islands) at 0.5m...
The dataset is a satellite imagery (only red/green/blue) of Sealion Island by Digital Globe at a 0.5m resolution. The imagery was taken in March 2015. -
Pictures of otoliths used in an age validation study for Micromesistius austr...
More than a hundred pictures of Micromesistius australis (southern blue whiting) otolith sections that were used in an age validation study. The fish were caught by fishing... -
Falkland Islands marine baseline
The dataset comprises of the so called baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured between Cape Carysfort (East Falkland), Cape Percival (West Falkland)... -
Falkland Islands territorial sea
Falkland Islands Territorial Sea (polyline and polygon layers). The official layer was originated from 'The Falkland Islands (Territorial Sea) Order 1989. -
Sentinel-2 Level 1C (Raw) Data from 22/12/2015 to 14/02/2017
The dataseries includes raw Sentinel-2 data (Level 1C) as downloaded from the Copernicus Open Data Hub for the Falkland Islands for 22/12/15, 04/01/16, 21/01/16, 22/06/16,... -
Sentinel-2 Level 1C (Processed) Data from 22/12/2015 to 14/02/2017
The dataseries includes processed Sentinel-2 data (Level 1C) for the Falkland Islands for 22/12/15, 04/01/16, 21/01/16, 22/06/16, 26/11/16, 16/12/16, 19/12/16, 28/01/17 and... -
Longline CTD Data
The excel file contains data on Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD) collected, through Star-Oddi DST-CTD loggers, by CFL Hunter a commercial longline vessel which... -
Spatial distribution and breeding success of striated caracara of Sea Lion Is...
The dataseries includes data on Striated caracara (Phalcoboenus australis) taken from a regular monitoring study carried out at Sea Lion Island from 2013. Almost all nesting... -
Vocal and visual communication of the Falklands skua (2013-2017)
The dataseries includes data on vocal communication of Falklands skua at Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands, collected in the period 2013-2017. Along with data from Sea Lion... -
Behavioral ecology of killer whales at Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands (201...
The dataseries encompasses a long-term study of killer whales at Sea Lion Island, a hotspot of killer whale sightings in the Falkland Islands, started in 2013. Killer whale... -
A geographic information system of Sea Lion Island, Falkland Islands, Falklan...
The goal of the project is to create a geographic information system to provide a centralized storage for ppatially referenced data collected at Sea Lion Island, that will... -
Demography and breeding biology of southern sea lions of Sea Lion Island, Fal...
The dataseries comprises of weekly and opportunistic cunts of the main breeding colonies of southern sea lions (Otaria byronia), which shelter at Sea Lion Island. Whenever... -
Diving and feeding strategies of southern elephant seals of Sea Lion Island, ...
The dataseries comprises of sixteen time-depth recorders (Mk9, Wildlife Computers) deployed on southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) breeding females at the end of their... -
Using umnanned aerial vehicles for environmental monitoring and research at S...
The dataset is a collection of high resolution images and videos taken from drones at Sea Lion Island, starting in 2016. Semi-professional UAVs were used for 1) assessment of... -
Coastal birds survey Adventure sound 2009
The dataset records the types of coastal habitats and number of coastal birds identified and counted by two surveyors who walked shoreline trasects in Adventure sound (southern... -
NASA Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Global 1 arc second v003, 2017
The dataset is a Digital Elevation Model of the Falkland Islands taken from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), 1 arc second (version 003). The dataset is open access... -
Marine Fauna and Flora of the Falkland Islands - Online Taxonomic Descriptions
The online database aims to provide taxonomic information on the marine fauna and flora found in the waters around the Falkland Islands. The fauna and flora of the Patagonian... -
Sooty shearwater tissue samples, Kidney Island, January, 2017
In Janary, 2017, tissues samples (whole blood, feathers, regurgitates and faeces) were collected from sooty shearwaters breeding on Kidney Island. -
Sooty shearwater breeding survey, Kidney Island, January, 2017
In January 2017, a survey was undertaken to estimate the number of breeding sooty shearwaters on Kidney Island, the distribution of their burrows and their breeding habitat... -
Sooty shearwater gelocator and time-depth data, Kidney Island in January, 201...
Geolocators (GLS) and time-depth recorders (TDRs) are being used to track sooty shearwaters from Kidney Island between January, 2017 and January, 2018