Burrowing petrels Hummock - partial survey
Plots on the Island of Hummock to count burrow entrances of burrowing petrels plus habitat characteristics. -
Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Falkland Islands
Filtering seawater using Whatmann glass filter papers and dissecting mussels and limpets to investigate levels of microplastics in Falklands waters and marine life. -
Breeding behaviour and conservation of Charadrius falklandicus and Charadrius...
Collection of data related to the reproductive behavior of two species of shorebirds (Charadrius falklandicus and Charadrius modestus). These data consist of identifying of... -
Feeding behaviour of Magellanic Penguins recorded by cameraloggers in Decembe...
Eight hours of diving and feeding behaviour were recorded form three Magellanic Penguins during the early brooding phase in December 2019 on Hummock Island, West Falklands. -
Whale sightings from DPLUS082 boat surveys, 2019 to 2021
Shapefile of whale sighting positions recorded during boat surveys in Berkeley Sound (and adjacent waters) and Falkalnd Sound during 2019 to 2021 -
Sei whale faecal sample data, 2019 to 2021
Excel spreadsheet containing the sighting reference number, date, time, position, species and description of whale faecal events observed during boat surveys between 2019 and 2021. -
Whale biopsy sample data, 2019 to 2021
Excel spreadsheet containing the sighting reference number, date, time, position and arbalester of biopsy attempts on whales between 2019 and 2021. -
Whale acoustic monitoring data from Berkeley Sound, 2019 to 2021
Excel spreadsheet containing summary of acoustic deployments carried out, 2018 to 2020. Data will be summarised in open access Project Technical Report due on 31 Jan 2022. -
Genetic samples of macroalgae of the Falkland Islands 2018
dried fragments of macroalgae for DNA or RNA extraction to infer taxonomy and population genetic structure -
Microplastics in environmental samples from West Falklands, collected March/A...
Environmental samples (seawater, bivalves and goose scats) were collected from sites at the West Falklands for microplastic extraction, identification and analysis. Data would... -
Stable Isotope Measurements of squid, fish and bird species of 2020
Squid, fish and bird species were collected in Falkland Island waters. Muscle tissue was extracted and Stable Isotope ratios of Carbon and Nitrogen were measured. All samples... -
Patagonian fox survey, Weddell Island, January 2019
In January 2019, a survey was undertaken to estimate the density, abundance and distribution of the invasive Patagonian fox on Weddell Island. -
Falkland Islands Island-wide Census Black-browed Albatross
The data series consists mainly of field counts; photographs and transect/area density methods were used to derive and island-wide estimate of breeding pairs of Black-browed... -
Seabed morphology for the Falklands region of the Patagonian Shelf (derived f...
The raster dataset comprises of morphological derived variables from global bathymetry dataset (GEBCO 2014). Slope, Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) at fine and broad moving... -
Overlap between marine predators and proposed Marine Managed Areas on the Pat...
Tracking data used in the Baylis et al. 2021 Ecological Applications paper -
Freshwater fish in the Falklands - Conservation of native zebra trout
The dataset is a report by Katherine Ross to the Falkland Islands Government and Falklands Conservation, 2009. The report illustrates the outcomes from the investigation on the... -
Collection of freshwater invertebrates from ponds in East Falkland, 2017
The dataset is an excel file and comprises data that were collected in East Falklands Island during spring 2017. Ponds and lakes closed to the road were checked for sampling.... -
Brown Trout in the Falklands: Origin, Life History, and Public Attitudes to a...
The dataset is a Master thesis report by Daniel Martin Fowler submitted in September 2013 to Swansea University. The report describes the ecology of brown trout invasions in the... -
Issues for the conservation and management of the Falkland Islands freshwater...
The Falkland Islands, in the cool-temperate south-western Atlantic Ocean, have an impoverished freshwater fish fauna, with only two indigenous species certainly present there:... -
The Falkland Islands - Biodiversity Research In Lakes Project - Invertebrates
This dataset contains the data subset of a larger project. This subset contains data on invertebrate presence and chironomid presence obtained during fieldwork in 2001.