Microplastics in East Falklands winter 2015
The dataset reports figures on the number of microplastic particles (mostly fibres) per litre of seawater collected in and around the coasts of Eastern Falklands. The data were... -
Falkland Islands Natural Nature Reserves
Boundaries of National Nature Reserves (NNRs) in the Falkland Islands. In the Falkland Islands, National Nature Reserves (NNRs) are currently the only way of legally designating... -
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)
The dataset comprise Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) inside of the project AOI. The EBSAs are special areas in the ocean that serve important... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of southern sea l...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-596) and represent important at-sea areas of southern sea lions on the Southern Patagonian... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of south american...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-595) and represent important at-sea areas of south american fur seals on the Southern... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of sooty shearwat...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-594) and represent important at-sea areas of sooty shearwaters on the Southern Patagonian... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of southern rockh...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-592) and represent important at-sea areas of southern rockhopper penguins on the Southern... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of magellanic pen...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-591) and represent important at-sea areas of magellanic penguins on the Southern Patagonian... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of king penguins ...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-590) and represent important at-sea areas of king penguins on the Southern Patagonian shelf.... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of imperial shags...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-589) and represent important at-sea areas of imperial shags on the Southern Patagonian shelf.... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of gentoo penguin...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-588) and represent important at-sea areas of gentoo penguins on the Southern Patagonian shelf.... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of elephant seals...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-587) and represent important at-sea areas of elephant seals on the Southern Patagonian shelf.... -
Utilisation of areas at sea and predicted distribution maps of black-browed a...
The dataset comprises of polygon shape files derived from telemetry data (FK-SAERI-586) and represent important at-sea areas of black-browed albatrosses on the Southern... -
Fine-scale habitat maps for five study areas in the Falkland Islands
The datasets include shapefiles obtained by dissolving segmented polygons classified via a Random Forest classifier at five map site studies in the Falklands, along with the... -
Terrestrial habitat classification of coastal areas in Berkely Sound Falklan...
Terrestrial coastal area of Berkeley Sound, Falkand Islands, have been classified using Earth observation and field observations techniques. Satellite imagery were dated... -
South Atlantic Candidate KBAs - Falkland Islands
KBAs identified in the Falkland Islands were generated as part of the BEST Initiative, service contract 07.0307.2013/666363/SER/B2, for the European Commission, 2016. The limit... -
South Atlantic KBAs - Falkland Islands
KBAs identified in the Falkland Islands were generated as part of the BEST Initiative, service contract 07.0307.2013/666363/SER/B2, for the European Commission, 2016. The limit... -
Marine habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Shallow water marine habitat of three sites of East Falkland. The habitat map covers areas at sea with a maximum of 20 metres depth. The habitat map was derived by using World... -
Terrestrial habitat map Premier Oil inshore transfer sites
Terrestrial coastal habitat of three sites located in East Falkland. The coastal habitat map covers an area of 200 metres inland from the shore. The habitat map was derived by... -
Stanley chemical analyses 2013
The file represents records of sediment core samples taken in Stanley harbour in 2013 by the Shallow Marine Surveys Group and SAERI on behalf Premier Oil Ltd. Sediments were...